Jewel Cave National Monument


Jewel Cave National Monument was created in 1908 by Teddy Roosevelt and boasts about 200 miles of mapped passageways–the world’s third largest cave.  Situated near Wind Cave, Mount Rushmore and to the north Theodore Roosevelt National Park, this should be on everyone’s must-see list.  While first thought to connect with Wind Cave,  about 20 flight miles distant,  it still hasn’t been proven and park geologists doubt any connection due to differing strata angles and geology.  Jewel Cave is our 47th design and as usual, is screen printed on DeNeen Environmental #80 coverstock with Nazdar 5500 poster inks.  Hand made in the US of A!

13 ½” X 19” serigraph print.

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Please note, for posters, the specified dimensions are the actual image dimensions (the border size varies with each edition.) We recommend waiting until you receive your poster before ordering frames.

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Poster, Single Post Card, Luggage Sticker, Magnet

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