Valles Caldera National Preserve


13 ½” X 19” serigraph print–contemporary design.

Valles Caldera, one of the newest national park units is better described as Yellowstone South.  Surrounded by the SW deserts, Valles Caldera, in northern New Mexico, is a discovery worth driving a bit out of the beaten path.  Interesting history, wildlife and scenery await you along with 11,400′ mountains.  Adjacent is Bandelier National Monument (the last WPA-CCC poster in our reprint collection) as well as Los Alamos which hosts a third of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park (the other two are Hanford in WA and Oak Ridge TN).  Visit them all and enjoy this full 10 color screen print.  Still only $45.

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Please note, for posters, the specified dimensions are the actual image dimensions (the border size varies with each edition.) We recommend waiting until you receive your poster before ordering frames.

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Poster, Single Post Card, Luggage Sticker, Magnet

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